Around Town

Childhood Memories


Getting all misty-eyed ?  Let's be honest, the classic festive songs might have been on the radio, and the smell of the turkey cooking in the oven would have been wafting in from the kitchen, but Christmas morning simply wasn't complete unless there was one of these tucked away in your stack by the tree.  Bet you wish you hadn't donated them to the school jumble sale when you'd finished with them either.      Well, here's your chance to make up for it.


We're pleased to be able to offer you some great "Childhood Memories", with a wonderful selection of old football annuals. They've all been checked to ensure they are complete and don't have any scribbles in them !  There may be the odd one with a grotty dust jacket or a nick on the edge binding, but nothing serious which would detract from your enjoyment in reading them once again, or explaining to the kids that this is what the game used to be about.....and perhaps ought to be now.


Unless stated, the annuals detailed below are priced at just £5 each  -  and with our UK carriage-paid threshold being just £15, it means you only have to buy three to qualify for free postage.   So go on, treat yourself to a little trip back to those old Christmas mornings !


(If you need a reminder of any specific editions which may interest you, pictures will of course, be sent on request)


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All Stars Football Book  :  No. 7, (published 1967),  1974               Boys' Book of Soccer  :  1969, 1970,  1973.       


Charles Buchan's Soccer Gift Book  :  1968-69      F.A.  Soccer Book For Boys  :  1979.       Football Star Parade  :  1968-69


Football Champions  :  1963,  1964, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1980, 1981.     Jimmy Hill's Football Review  :  1976


International Football Book  :  No.  10  (1968).        Kenneth Wolstenholme's Book of Soccer  :  1968.         


Kevin Keegan's Soccer Annual  : 1978, 1982          Match of The Day  :  1978,  1979,  1980,  1981,  1982      


Match Weekly Football Yearbook  :  1982,  1983,  1984,  1993,  1997.         My Super Football Book  :  1971.     


Bryan Robson's Football Annual  :  1989.       Roy Of The Rovers  :  1982, 1984, 1985.     Scoop  :  1980


Shoot  :  1980,  1981,  1982,  1983,  1984,  1985,  1986,  1987,  1988,  1989,  1990,  1991,  1992.   Quizbook  : 1980, 1982, 1983


Soccer Monthly  :  1980, 1981, 1982, 1983.     Soccer Superstars  :  1980, 1983        Striker Annual  :  1975.   


Sun Soccer  Annual  :  1976,  1979,  1983, 1991.       Tiger Book of Soccer Stars  :  1975       Topical Times   :  1969,  1981,  1994.




This page last updated   -   13/6/24




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