Around Town

Match Weekly, 1979-90


First published in September 1979 (this issue pictured above with Kevin Keegan in the classic red England away shirt by Admiral was No. 1) and offering a glut of colour posters in each issue, Match gradually established itself as Shoot's main weekly rival on the newsagent's shelves.


We are pleased to be able to offer a selection of Match Weekly magazines, with the vast majority of magazines being in perfect condition.


For the first few months of publication, Match was dated to cover a full week (for instance, Issue 1 is dated 6th-12th September 1979) but for our purposes, the latter date would be used (i.e, Sep 12). The last issue using this format is dated 28th February-5th March 1980 (this would appear as Mar 5 when in stock in our listings for 1980), with next issue being dated for the following Saturday, in this case 8th March 1980 (therefore Mar 8). Until August 1981, magazines were stapled rather than glued, which made removal of the centre spread far easier. We can confirm that the ALL the magazines listed below have been thoroughly checked and are complete !


Details of the colour pictures in each magazine are listed as follows :

Front cover/centre spread/back cover/other page, other, other, other. 

We've only listed poster content for issues up to & including 1987, as by this point the publication was pretty much full colour throughout.  Please don't hesitate to make contact if there is anything specific you are looking for within issues from 1988 onwards, and we'll endeavour to have a flick through for you.


Where two or more players appear in a match action picture, the 'home' player(s)' will be listed first if the venue can be identified by stadium shots, or if the other player(s) are in away colours. Similarly, match action shots will also show the 'home' club first, if the venue can be clearly identified.




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 



Oct  31    Paul Miller/John Matthews/Ipswich/Kenny Dalglish & John Wile, Dave Swindlehurst, Malcolm Waldron & Chris Jones, Dave Langan, Peter Shilton.


Nov   7    Sammy McIlroy & Tony Woodcock/Johan Cruyff/Scotland v. Austria/Northern Ireland v. England, Andy King, Rotherham.

Nov  21   Paul Hart/Norwich v. West Brom/Celtic v. Rangers/Ian Wallace, Mike Fillery, Archie Gemmill, John Burridge, Stoke.

Nov  28   Kevin Keegan/Man City v. Man Utd/Larry Lloyd/Tommy Caton, Exeter & Torquay, Kenny Dalglish, Brian Little.  




Jan    2   New Year 1980/Super Strikers/Orient/Lou Macari, Steve Emery

Jan    9   Phil Boyer/1980 Calendar/Martin Buchan/Jim Bone, Andy Gray, Brendan O'Callaghan,  Andy Peake.

Jan  23   Don Givens & Peter Withe/1980 Calendar/Ray Hankin/Eric Gates, Frank Stapleton.

Jan  30   John Trewick/Ossie Ardiles/Bosco Jankovic/Jimmy Rimmer, Sheff Wed, Davie Provan, Bob Hazell.


Feb  13   Ricky Hill & Ron Harris/Ray Clemence/Frank Gray/Phil Parkes, Bryan Robson (West Brom),  Allan Evans.

Feb  20   Graham Rix & Glenn Hoddle/Martin Peters & Colin Viljoen/Phil Thompson/Gary Bailey, Malcolm Waldron, Garry Birtles.

Feb  27   Kenny Dalglish/Viv Anderson/Alan Brazil & Alan Hansen/Alan Ainscow, Petar Borota.


Mar   5    Arnold Muhren & Chris Jones/Garth Crooks & Mark Higgins/Peter Withe/Martin Hodge, Alan Biley, Steve Perryman.

Mar  15 (L)  Martin O'Neill & Nick Holmes/Wolves/Gordon Cowans/Paul Cooper, David Armstrong.

Mar  22 (L*)  Emlyn Hughes/West Ham/Roy Aitken/Wonder Wolves !.


Apr  19    Alan Devonshire & Gary Megson/Kevin Keegan/Graham Rix/Everton v. West Ham semi-final, Tony Morley.

Apr  26    Man Utd v. Man City/England/Vince Hilaire/Arsenal v. Liverpool semi-final, Ray Kennedy, Jim Platt.


May  24   England v. Argentina/England Warn The World/John Richards/Forest Can Do It Again.

May  31   George McCluskey/Archie Gemmill/Kevin Keegan/David Bennett, Dennis Mortimer, Glenn Hoddle, Paul Bradshaw


June   7    Crystal P v. Nott'm F/Ray Wilkins & Paul Power/Stuart Pearson/Graham Paddon, Belgium, Leopoldo Luque, Peter McCloy.

June  21   Archie Gemmill v. Steve Coppell/Scotland v. England/Sandy Jardine/Bobby Smith,

John Robertson, Billy Gilbert, Peter Latchford.

June  28   Ray Wilkins/The Goals That Got Away/Chris Hughton/Alan Curbishley, David Price, Steve Hardwick, David Fairclough. 


July   5   Stoke v. Man City/1979 Charity Shield/Jim Cannon/Wilkins' Touch of Class, Joe Gallagher, Pat Jennings.

July  12   Alan Young/Terry Yorath/Adrian Heath/Euro 80 Final, Kevin Keelan, Russell Osman.

July  19   Peter Withe/Kenny Sansom/Alan Young/Eric Gerets, Allan Evans, Jim McDonagh,

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge.

July  26   Kenny Burns/Keith Bertschin/Paul Hart/Andy Gray, Jeff Wealands, George McCluskey.


Aug   2   Ray Clemence/Graeme Souness/Hearts/Brendon Batson, Mark Wallington, Peter Barnes

Aug   9 (CS)  Phil Neal & Graham Rix/Chris Hughton/MatchMakers preview/Graham Moseley, Terry McDermott, Bolton.

Aug  16   Kevin Keegan/West Brom/Clive Allen/Alan Brazil, Asa Hartford.

Aug  30   Birmingham v. Notts Co/Leeds/Trevor Brooking/Liverpool take Shield, Gordon Cowans.


Sep  13   Clive Allen/Birmingham/Gordon Smith (Brighton)/Garth Crooks, Archie Gemmill.

Sep  20   Kenny Dalglish/Kevin Keegan/David Armstrong/Andy Peake, Alan Dodd.


Oct    4    John Richards/Leicester/Michael Robinson/Paul Mariner, Murdo MacLeod.

Oct  11    Kenny Sansom/Coventry/Paul Cooper/Steve Daley, Ossie Ardiles, Gordon Strachan.

Oct  18    Frank Gray/Alan Kennedy/Stan Cummins/Gary Owen, Ian Edwards, Cambridge.


Nov   1    Steve Goble/Alan Brazil/Cyrille Regis/Notts Co., Gerry Daly.

Nov   8    Bryan Roson (Sunderland/Wolves/John McGovern/Allan Evans, Orient, Alan Devonshire.

Nov  15   Garth Crooks/Kenny Swain/Vince Hilaire/Jim Platt, Mickey Thomas,

Nov  22   Joe Jordan/Alan Sunderlamd/Sheff Wed/Terry McDermott, Nick Holmes.


Dec  13   Dave Watson/Arthur Albiston/Steve Hunt/Gary Shaw, Frans Thijssen.

Dec  20   Steve Coppell & Glenn Hoddle/Aston Villa/Phil Neal/Steve Goble, Martin O'Neill.

Dec  27   Russell Osman/Billy Ashcroft/Swansea/Bobby Russell, On The Move, Ray Kennedy.




Feb  14   Andy Blair/Peterborough/Dennis Mortimer/Middlesbrough/A-Z of Soccer (G), Frank Gray, Kenny Dalglish Story (Part 6).


Apr   4    Bobby McDonald/Mark Lawrenson/Arnold Muhren/KD Story (13), A-Z (L).

Apr  11   Joe Corrigan, Mick Mills, Geoff Palmer & Steve Perryman/Peter Withe/A-Z (M),

KD Story (14), Ivan Golac, The Manchester Reign.

Apr  25   Craig Johnston/Phil Thompson/A-Z (N)/KD Story (16), Martyn Bennett, Mike Doyle,

Frank McGarvey.


May  9  (F)  Cup Final cover/Man City/Milija Aleksic/Semi-Final Golden Goals, Dundee United, Glenn Hoddle

May  16  (F*)   Gerry Gow & Ricky Villa/Hutchison's Sweet & Sour/Charlton/A-Z (P),

England v. Rumania, KD Story (18), Mick Channon.

May  23  (F*)   Steve Perryman/White Hot Spurs/A-Z (Q)/Carlos Santana, Alan Hansen,

KD Story (19), Derek Parlane.

May  30   Ian Walsh & Trevor Brooking/Frans Thijssen/A-Z (R)/Rangers, Mark Dennis,

KD Story (20), Pat Jennings.


June    6   John Wark/Alan Kennedy & Phil Neal/A-Z (S)/Colin Walsh, Steve MacKenzie,

Chris Nicholl.

June  13   Steve Coppell & Frank Gray/Kenny Dalglish/A-Z (T)/Steve McCall, Peter Barnes,

Best of British.

June  20   Gary Bailey/Barney's Big Night/A-Z (U)/Hungary v. England, Kevin Ratcliffe,

Switzerland v. England.  
June  27   Cyrille Regis/Paul Mariner/Mike Angus/Danny McGrain, A-Z (V), Kenny Snsom & Gary Shaw, Brooking's Bombshell


July     4   Iavn Katalinic & Mike McCartneyKevin Reeves/A-Z (W)/Chart-Toppers, Gary Gillespie,  Garth Crooks.

July   11   Glenn Hoddle/Joe Jordan/A-Z (X & Y)/Gary Owen, David O'Leary, Alan Brown,

Trevor Francis

July   18   Steve MacKenzie & John Wark/Andy Gray/A-Z (Z)/Peter Wither, Graham Roberts, Sammy Lee

July   25   Joe Jordan/Steve Perryman/Viv Anderson/Tommy Hutchison, Bobby Barnes, 

Alan Ainscow, Stan Bowles


Aug     1   Eddie & Frank Gray/Allan Evans/Top Ten Quiz/Soccer Superteam, Sammy McIlroy,

Nick Holmes

Aug     8   John Wile/Joe Corrigan/Top Ten Quiz/David Narey, Peter Nicholas, Larry May,

Gary Shaw.

Aug   15   Mickey Thomas/Russell Osman/Top Ten Quiz/Paul Bracewell, Derek Parlane,

Graham Rix

Aug   22 (CS)  Jimmy Case & Alan Devonshire/Steve Foster/Mastermind of Soccer/John Gidman, Paul Miller, Tope Ten Quiz, Wayne Clarke. 


Oct   31   Graeme Souness/Charlie Nicholas/Bryan Robson (Man Utd)/Lee Chapman,

Sammy McIlroy, Joe Gallagher.


Nov  28   England Are Back !/Barnsley/Kevin Reeves/England v. Hungary, Mike Ferguson,

Brian Stein.


Dec  12   Stuart Gray & Cyrille Regis/Wembley Warriors/Paul Goddard/Preston, Alan Curbishley.



Jan     2

Jan     9

Jan   16

Jan   23


Feb   27


Mar     6

Mar   13  (L)

Mar   20  (L*)


Apr     3

Apr    10

Apr    17

Apr    24


June    5

June  12

June  19

June  26


Aug  21  (CS)


Sep  11




Jan   29


Mar  12

Mar  19


Apr    2  (L*)

Apr   16


June  11


July    9

July   23

July   30


Aug     6

Aug   13

Aug   20


Sep    3

Sep   10

Sep   17

Sep   24


Oct     1

Oct     8

Oct   15
Oct   22

Oct   29


Nov    5

Nov  12

Nov  19

Nov  26


Dec    3

Dec  10

Dec  17




Jan   21

Jan   28


Feb    4

Feb   11

Feb   18

Feb   25


Mar     3

Mar   10

Mar   17

Mar   24

Mar   31


Apr     7

Apr   14

Apr   21

Apr   28


May    5

May  19

May  26


June  16

June  23

June  30


July   14

July   28


Aug    4

Aug   11

Aug   18

Aug   25


Sep     1

Sep   15

Sep   22

Sep   29


Oct     6

Oct   13

Oct   20

Oct   27


Nov    3

Nov  10

Nov  17

Nov  24


Dec    1

Dec  15

Dec  22





Feb    9


Mar   23


Apr    27


May   11

May   18


June    1

June    8

June  15



July   13

July   20


Aug     3

Aug   17

Aug   24


Sep     7

Sep   14

Sep   21

Sep   28


Oct      5

Oct    12

Oct    19

Oct    26


Nov     2

Nov     9

Nov   16

Nov   23


Dec   14



Jan   11

Jan   18

Jan   25


Feb    1

Feb    8

Feb   15

Feb   22


Mar     1

Mar     8

Mar   15

Mar   22

Mar   29


Aor   12

Apr   19


May     3    Steve Bruce & Dave Watson/Oxford/Kerry Dixon/Argentina, Iraq.

May   17

May   24

May   31


June     7
June   14


July   12   Gary Lineker/Preben Elkjaar/Line 7 ad/Out Of This World, Peter Beardsley.

July   19

July   26


Aug    9   Roy Aitken/Celtic/Patrick ad/Billy Stark, John Colquhoun, Luis Fernandez, Gary Lineker.

Aug  16   (CS) Graeme Sharp & Alan Hansen/Norwich/Puma ad/Murdo MacLeod,

Graham Rix & Kenny Sansom.

Aug  23   Kerry Dixon/Man Utd/Mitchell Thomas/Mark Walters, Colin West.

Aug  30


Sep    6   Charlie Nicholas/Newcastle/Richard Gough/Frank McAvennie, Mark Lillis, Chris Turner, Scunthorpe.

Sep  13   Colin Clarke & Shaun Elliott/Sheff Wed/Line 7 ad/Paul Miller, Dave Watson.

Sep  20   Ian Rush/Tottenham/Port Vale/Kevin Moran, Nick Pickering, Steve McMahon,

John Fashanu

Sep  27   Kenny Dalglish/Wimbledon/Northampton/Bryan Robson, Clive Allen, Paul Power.


Oct   11   Glenn Hoddle/Leeds/Orient/Super Savers, Peter Beardsley, Worrell Sterling,

Brian Marwood.

Oct   18   Kevin Sheedy & Neil Webb/Oxford/Wolves/Hit Men. Colin Clarke, Arthur Albiston.

Oct   25   (SL)  Davie Cooper & Brian McClair/Hit Men, Maurice Johnston, Carlisle


Nov    1   Peter Beardsley/West Brom/Chester/Garry Thompson, Ian Rush, Wilf Rostron.

Nov    8   Terry Butcher/Derby/Chesterfield/George Wood, Davie Cooper & Ian Durrant.

Nov  15   Steve Williams/Watford/Match Shop ad/Wayne Biggins, Kevin Ratcliffe, Steve Wicks.

Nov  29   Graham Rix & Gordon Strachan/Oldham/Newport/Tony Adams, Dave Beasant.


Dec    6   Mark Lawrenson/Sheff Utd/Xmas ad/Glenn Hoddle, Burnley.

Dec  13   Kevin Sheedy/Reading/Halifax/Steve Hunt, David Williams, Mel Sterland, Garry Birtles.

Dec  20   Niall Quinn/Crystal P/York/Clayton Blackmore, David Rocastle, Brian & Mark Stein.

Dec  27   Christmas cover/QPR/Ray Houghton/Gary Mabbutt & Ally McCoist, Steve Bruce.




Feb   28   Eammon Bannon & Mark Hughes/Dundee Utd/Tony Godden/Craig Johnston,

Ian Andrews, Massacre in Madrid.


Apr    18   Coventry & Spurs For Wembley !/Spurs Spank 'Em/Tony Adams/Mick Quinn,

Sky Blue Heaven, Paul Miller, John Sivebaek.


May  23   (F*)  Coventry's Extra Specials/Salute The Champions/Clive (Allen)-Wire !/Scarborough Flair, Perfect Sky Blue Day, All Saints Day.


Aug    1   (CS)  Dave Bennett & Kevin Ratcliffe/Cyrille Regis-Paul McStay/Nike ad/Ian Baird,

Gordon Strachan.


Dec   26    Emlyn Hughes/1988 Match Calendar (pt 1)/Pure Genius Forest/Emlyn Hughes,

Ray Houghton.


* * * * *

Also available, content details for individual issues available on request.....



January  9, 23, 30.  February  6, 13, 20, 27.   March  5, 12, 19, 26.   April  2, 9, 16, 23 30.          May  7, 21,  28.      July  30.      August  6, 13, 20.     September  3, 10, 17, 24. 

October  1, 8.         November  5.       December  24.



January  7, 14, 21.             February  4, 11, 18, 25.          March  4, 11, 18, 25.   

April  1, 8, 15, 22, 29.         May  6, 13, 20, 27.                 June 3, 10, 17, 24.

July  1, 8, 15, 22, 29.          August  5, 19, 26.                  September  2, 9, 16, 23, 30.

October  7, 14, 21, 28.       November  4, 11, 18, 25.       December  2, 9, 16, 23, 30.



January  13, 20, 27.           February  3, 10, 17,  24.         March  3, 10, 17, 24, 31.   

April  7,  14, 21, 28.            May 5, 12, 26.                        June  2, 16. 

July  21, 28.                        August  4, 11, 18, 25.             September  1, 8, 15, 22, 29.

October  6, 13, 20, 27.       November  3, 10, 17.              December 1, 8, 15,  22, 29



This page last updated   -   19/5/22


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