Classic Corner
We have a varied selection of competitively priced older Football League programmes for you to choose from.
Some scarcer items with specific historical significance such Manchester United issues from 1957-58 for instance, as well as those from ex-league clubs such as Barrow, Southport and the original Accrington, Bradford Park Avenue and Gateshead clubs may be individually priced (and similarly, there will be LOWER pricing on some sub standard pre-1960 issues), but generally speaking programmes in this section are priced as follows :
Pre 1945, individual prices apply. 1945-46 £20; 1946-47 £15; 1947-48 £12; 1948-49 £10;
1949-50 £8; 1950-51 £7; 1951-52 £6.50; 1952-53 £6; 1953-54 £5.50; 1954-55 £5;
1955-56 £4.50; 1956-57 £4; 1957-58 £3.50; 1958-59 £3; 1959-60 £2.50; 1960-61 £2;
1961-62 £2; 1962-63 £2; 1963-64 £2; 1964-65 £2; 1965-66 £1.50; 1966-67 £1.50; 1967-68 £1.50; 1968-69 £1.50; 1969-70 £1.50.