Published as a partwork over 75 weeks between 1971 and 1973, the Marshall Cavendish Book of Football was one of the iconic publications of the era. With full colour throughout, it grew into an outstanding 1500 page reference, with features on clubs, great matches and events, famous players, tactical and coaching tips, and also a detailed season-by-season statistical section. The format for their articles and features was replicated in many football encyclopaedia during the late 1970's and 1980's.
We have a selection of individual issues available should you be looking for specific editions to either complete or upgrade your collection. Our listings for this publication differ slightly. The colour cover is listed first, with the feature articles as listed on the front cover following in brackets.
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Issue 2 - Alan Hudson & George Armstrong. (Articles : Myths & Magic of Brazil. Ray Kennedy.
Biggest Cup shock ever ?. The Money Game. Masters of the long throw. Chelsea)
15 - Terry Cooper. (Fight to change Leeds' luck. £100,000 Scottish Reserves. Very first International. Wolves upset at Wembley. Saints' system. European League soon ?).
16 - Steve Kember. (QPR, one season wonders ?. Top Dutch double act. Goal-scoring defenders. Trevor Hockey. Irish Czechmate in Sweden. Steve Kember).
17 - Derek Dougan & Terry Cooper. (Everton, big spenders. Football's brain drain.
Scotland's own world title. Scoring the fashionable way. Death of a tradition).
21 - Mike Summerbee & Bobby Roberts (Mike Summerbee & Don Rogers. Dave Webb. Scotland's two horse race. World Cup comes to Europe. Learn England's marking plan.
Yeovil humble Sunderland).
25 - 1971 F.A. Cup Final (Tackles that saved England. Club football's finest hour. Middlesbrough. Keeping goals out of football. How TV replays the action. Will democracy
destroy soccer).
26 - Terry Paine. (Hugh Gallacher. Dundee battle on. TV or not TV. England's Lion roars in Vienna. Terry Paine. Kevin Keegan. Where beggars are choosers).
27 - Rodney Marsh (Rodney Marsh, Football's first ambassadors. When the world jeered England. Cockney di Stefano. How Peters steals his goals. Britain's superteam).
28 - Clyde Best. (Hard men up front. Huddersfield. Terry Hennessey. Pat Jennings.
Finest post-war Final. Britain under attck in FIFA. Coloured players, the facts).
30 - John Hollins. (Fists fly & goals flow. Ireland's Wembley plot. John Hollins.
The first great striker. Scotland's greatest upset. Girl goal-getters).
33 - Mick Channon. (Mick Channon. Hampden's hate-filled friendly. Brazil. Tactic than can cause a riot. Forgive them their press passes. Notts Co.)
36 - John O'Hare & Frank Wignall. (England's World Cup struggle. Why it's never on Sundays. Derby's battering Rams. Banks of England. Tom Finney. Ipswich.)
39 - N. Korea v. Portugal, WC 1966. (Ramsey's 13-a-side failure. Malcolm MacDonald. England's great full back pair. Storey-Moore 3, Husband 2. Good players, good managers.
1966, England at last !)
41 - Inter Milan v. Crystal P. (Blackburn, five cups in eight years. Was it a goal ? Colin Bell.
The killer pass. Cups, cups & more cups. The game that cost 3,000 lives).
42 - Brazil celebrate ! (Brazil scale new heights. Geoff Hurst. Billy Wright. When Pompey
ruled the waves. The match that made Marsh. George Eastham).
47 - Arsenal's Defensive Wall. (Way to Wembley pt 1. Roger Hunt & Billy Liddell.
Biggest battle of 1972. Lancashire's F.A. Cup giants, Britain's European hat-trick. Alex James).
54 - 1970 World Cup Final. (From Brisbane Road to San Siro. Worksop's wild weekend.
Bandy-legged banana terror. Going backwards to goal. Stretched at the Vetch. Bournemouth).
56 - Bob McNab & Peter Lorimer. (Eric Morecambe's matinee. Does charity begin at home ? End of a Molineux era. Bury. Fouls & misconduct. Loyal, lovable & Liverpool).
57 - Malcolm MacDonald. (Curry favour with chips. England's 90 minute war. Pilgrim's Progress. Climax of the Amateur Cup. Soccer's greatest salesman. Liver birds on the wing).
This page last updated - 11/2/24